Good and Evil at Midnight

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil was written by John Berrendt and published in 1994, is known in Savannah simply as “The Book”. It chronicles the lives of a wide range of eccentric personalities in and around the city of Savannah, Georgia. Voodoo,...

The Ghosts of the Clusky Storehouses

Ghosts of the Clusky Storehouses First off, I just want to introduce myself. My name is Tim Nealon and I am paranormal investigator here in Savannah. I am going to be writing a guest blog post for Chris here at Haunted Savannah Tours on a weekly basis. So, keep coming...

Top five haunted Savannah locations

  Savannah, Georgia was voted the “Most Haunted City in America” in 2002 by the American Institute of Parapsychology, and whether you believe in ghost or not, you cannot deny the eerie feeling one gets when walking down the shadowy lanes and cobblestone streets....